
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Preparing for the Flats Challenge

I'm getting things ready for the flats challenge I'm really excited actually for it which surprises me because handwashing diapers doesn't sound fun at all. I've been looking through our storage closet for our wool covers. I used to just use them over pocket diapers for my oldest son because he pees so much all at once and it was the only thing that ensured dry sheets. We aren't at that point anymore so I have long since packed away his wool. I've got a small, medium, and large wool cover the small doesn't fit either one of my kids the medium fits Ry the large might fit Z with a daytime diaper under it. I think wool for the flats challenge will work well because the chance of me having to wash it during that week is slim and even if I had to I hand wash it anyways it just takes like 24 hours to dry which is a little annoying. I'm sure we have sufficient covers for the challenge but I'm trying to stay minimalistic about it all so I can mimic a family that has barely enough flats and as few covers as possible. I'm not sure that wool seems feasible for a low income family or not but they could just repurpose an old sweater so it actually could work out cheaper for them than buying some PUL covers. I'm excited for the challenge. I'll have to wash diapers daily for it I'm sure because I have 18 flats that is sufficient for two days probably with my boys but I want to be sure they are dry in time. I plan on using prefolds & fitteds on the boys at night and handwashing those as well. I would use flats at night but I don't know that I completely trust them yet with my heavy wetter so a prefold or fitted with a doubler is something that I do trust. Who else is doing the challenge? How are you going to hand wash your diapers?

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