
Sunday, April 10, 2011

There's a prefold on my son LOOK!

Did a Ry photo shoot tonight I couldn't decide what picture I like best so you get to see them ALL! LUCKY YOU RIGHT! They are unedited so some have red eye...sorry. ENJOY! :) Don't forget to tell Ry how cute he is at the bottom. He loves hearing how cute he is!

newborn prefold tri-folded and then a infant sized prefold in bikini twist these are sweet pea prefolds.

Sick of pictures yet...too bad!

LOVE this one!

Love this one even more. Srry about the red eye :(

what the heck you don't taste like food blech!

oooh your plastic thats why you didn't taste good.

ahh! no i dropped it get it quick.


  1. He is so cute! He he. No really, Ry's adorable. My kids had that toy when they were little too, from the Noah's Ark Little People set or something. I'm really impressed that you know how to use a prefold with a snappi. I am not that good! :)

  2. So cute! I love doing prefolds when we're having a chill day at home. Easy and keeps me from having to do laundry as often since it stretches my stash! I use the cotton babies indian cotton prefolds though.

  3. I thought the prefold would be hard and that the snappi would be impossible but its so easy soooo easy. True not as easy as a pocket diaper but still its not super hard. Its from some abc mat and has an animal to go with every letter or something. Its one of those phantom toys that goes off by itself. Creepy!
